
>> Monday, March 8, 2010

I have never sponsored a child. I justified this because I am "too poor". I would convince myself that this was okay because my family is on government assistance. I didn't give it much thought because my husband works for the American Red Cross and we serve in other ways.

But that was just an excuse.

Because I have spent a great deal of time praying for a little extra money so that I can buy curtains for my kitchen that match and other odds and ends around the house.

I prayed for extra money so that I could get some cosmetic work on my teeth done.

I prayed for money so that I could take my children traveling.

Are these things bad?

I do not think so.

But something is terribly wrong with the fact that I put these wants above the needs of those who do not even have their basic needs met.

Never once did I pray for extra money so that I could sponsor a least not for today.

And I am ashamed of myself.

I was going to help a child someday.

We all know that someday never comes.

Today I am going to do what I should have done a very long time ago.

I am going to sponsor a child.

It is the least I can do.

Please do not pat me on the back.

Hold me accountable.

Ask me if I am sticking to my word.

If you call yourself a Christian, please consider doing something today to help a child in need.

It's not an elective.

It is something we are commanded to do.

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